
I am a

Fullstack developer



I have skills to achieve my goals, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and a solid background in mathematics and algorithms.





-Web Development


Certified in Core Java from Internshala. I scored 93% on the final assessment and was a top performer in the training. I completed several assignments in the training and app development.


Certified in C for Beginners, Data Structures in C, Heap Sort Program in C from GreatLearning, with a proficiency of 90%. I am skilled in C programming and able to function well in fast-paced environments.


Proficient in JavaScript with experience in both frontend and backend development, including modern frameworks and libraries. Completed javascript courses on Coursera.

Web Development

I am interested in web development and have created projects using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I have also completed Meta's Front-End Developer courses on Coursera.also experience backend development.

Recent Projects

Project 1

Video Conferencing App

Managed video conferencing platforms, offering technical support and user training to ensure smooth operations.

Implemented React.js for the frontend and Node.js with Express.js for the backend, guaranteeing a seamless and responsive user experience, and coordinated virtual events, increasing efficiency by 30%.


Project 2

E-Commerce Website for Grocery Products

Developed using React.js for frontend, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB for backend, with MockAPI for testing.

Crafted a fully functional e-commerce simulation, dedicating 3 months to development, integrating features such as add to cart, checkout process, and PayPal integration for payment options, enriching the shopping experience.


Project 3

Movie and Series Application

Utilized HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (React.js), resulting in a remarkable 30% improvement in page load times

in this project we build snake game.it is developed by using python.I have completed online certification course for python.


Project 4

Electricity Billing System

Engineered a Java Swing GUI for user authentication, customer management, bill computation, and payments.

Employed JDBC for seamless interaction with MySQL databases, reducing query response time by 20%, thereby optimizing data management and enhancing user experience.


About me

Full Stack Web Developer

Hi folks,this is Aravindh kumar, a young energetic college student.

I am currently studying in B.Tech-IT from st joseph's college of engineering. I always like to create something on my own.

I have experience in JAVA, C, Web Development.

To work in a challenging environment that would facilitate the maximum utilization and application of my knowledge

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Contact info


91 6369906287





OMR, Chennai, Tamil Nadu